Traditional and digital methods cost comparison

September 16, 2022

You may wonder why there has been a surge in 3D technology implementation in orthotics and prosthetics (O&P) markets. Of course, there is no doubt about the advantages of using 3D software for scanning, especially now that clinicians and C-Fabs have realized that they can spend less time making and designing plaster casts for various body parts.  

The traditional ways of making plaster of Paris have been costly and time-consuming, and sometimes the attention to detail may be compromised. Therefore, clinicians are competing in adapting to 3D scanning software as the best solution strategy for their practice. 

TechMed 3D’s scanning solution is one of the market’s most reliable and effective software. You will be able to make timely, cost-efficient production and in mass. Our technology is tailored to the O&P market, economical, easy to install and operate. 

This article aims to compare the pricing of the traditional and digital methods in order for you to make the right decision for your practice and understand the true ROI of both methods. 

Is the traditional method cheaper than using digital 3D scanning software? 

If you are searching through the internet for the price of a virtual human body scanner, you have come to the right place. We have rolled out state-of-the-art software that provides the ability for clinicians to make 3D digital scans faster than before.  

However, the traditional plaster casting and the measurement method are undoubtedly expensive compared to the modern digital 3D method. According to our calculator tool, we concluded that you need to spend a lot more if you were to use the traditional method of plaster casting vis-à-vis creating a digital scan. 

Let’s look at the following areas to get a detailed breakdown of how the digital human body scanner is cheaper than traditional practices. 


For instance, when using the traditional method, there are several processes the clinician will have to undertake before making a helmet, knee braces, or scoliosis braces. It’s estimated that clinicians and technicians spend on average 296 hours annually using the traditional methods in their practice. 

Compared to the use of digital human body scanning software which cuts it down to 9 hours. The digital software scanning saves up to 97% of the total time spent in the process of plaster casting. This is a huge savings in time, and why more and more clinicians switch to using digital software in their practice. 

Cost of Materials  

Usually, when you are using the traditional method, there is a need to use extra materials. The molding of the plaster and the rectification process will lead to the buying of more material for the same process. However, using TechMed’s software, digital scanning is convenient, with less cost of materials needed in this modern procedure. Subsequently, there will also be less wastage of materials required. 

Labor Cost 

The traditional method’s labor cost is higher than digital scanning software. It is estimated that every clinician costs on average an hourly rate of $65 and every technician $25 an hour. You can scale down the cost of production since there is no labor when using digital scanning software. Instead, the software is automated to perform the tasks, which is cheaper and more efficient. 


The traditional method of casting plaster is harmful to the environment. There is a lot of waste material left after the molding and rectifying. Often, when not disposed of properly, this material can be disruptive to the ecosystem. In contrast, the use of software for 3D scanning is a waste-free option and safer for the environment. 

In conclusion, there is much more to gain when using 3D digital scanning software than sticking to traditional practices. If you are looking for a better, economical, faster, precise, and reliable way, then TechMed 3D human body acquisition is your “go-to” software. Next step, would be to get our free calculation tool to find out if investing in a digital solution would be beneficial for your operations. Find out the truth by comparing costs related to traditional versus digital methods using this tool

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