3D scanning benefits for the central fabrication

September 28, 2021

As a central fabrication, you have a lot of customers and a lot of orders coming in. If you did not switch to 3D scanning yet, it can be difficult to reach your deadlines and to take more customers or more orders without increasing the technicians on your payroll.  

Moreover, in a period of self-isolation as the one we know currently, it can be hard to have new orders going in or to keep business going with teleworking.  

Let’s detail the benefits of 3D scanning for the central fabrication by comparing it to the traditional methods regarding the pain known. 

MeasurementsMETHODDepending on cliniciansStandardized
ERRORSDepending on clinicians

Errors can be added to errors from capture
Depending on capture/3D scanner

No error addition from capture
FormsFILL INDo not get complete information usuallyUnable to be sent if mandatory fields not filled in
ShippingDAMAGECasts/Foam boxes can be damagedNo damage to digital files
FEESCost of shipping or carrierNo cost
TIME2-3 daysInstant
DesignWORKIn-houseIn-house or remote
TIME2-3 hours1 hour
MEASUREMENTSManual measurements can be not enoughAccess to the complete shape of the body part
ORGANIZATIONDifficult to find an old modelEasy to find an old model
MarketingOn formsOn forms
Customized app
CustomersRANGEHard to reach out customers from outside of the local areaEasy to reach out customers from outside of the local area
NEW CLINICIANSRepulsed by the complexity of the traditional methodLike the ease and speed that technology offers
Centralization and
UNIFORMITYEach clinic practice is different and hard to changeSame tools and methods to capture and measure
Need to know all the old and new methodsSame method for everybody
TRAININGNot easy to train new customersEasy and can be done online
EmployeesA lot of technicians needed to design and produceLimited number of technicians needed
InsuranceINFORMATIONNot much data and informationGive accurate data and more information
Limited reimbursementOptimal reimbursement
EcologyLots of material waste (subtractive manufacturing)Free of waste (additive manufacturing)

The COVID impact

During and after the COVID-19 pandemic, 3D scanning is even more relevant to help C-Fabs. Indeed, while the world is in slow motion with a lot of companies closed, carriers overloaded extending their delivery time, self-isolation and social distancing, it is difficult to have new orders coming in or to make progress on previous orders when you are using traditional methods.

On the other hand, using 3D scanning allows central fabrication to slow down without completely stopping by having new orders coming in through emails, designing products remotely and send it to a waiting list on the production line.

Contact our team

At TechMed 3D, we give information, training and support about our solutions. Contact us and we will help you to make the transition if you are interested in.

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