5 top reasons why you should use a 3D scanner to measure the human body

December 10, 2020
6 min

Am I ready to do the switch to 3D scanning? What are the various costs that I need to factor in? What are the advantages behind digitization versus the traditional method? You might have done some thinking about whether you are ready or not to do the switch to 3D scanning.

You’ve considered alternatives from the traditional method, but you are still quite confused about why you should be using a software solution for 3D acquisition and measurements. Don’t worry, this article has you covered!

Did you know that accurate and repeatable measurement of the human body is essential for many industries including fashion and clothing, orthopedic and prosthetic devices, and body mass monitoring? Currently, traditional methods to measure the human body are composed of a tape measure, calipers, polyurethane foam, and plaster. But for more than a decade, the technology of 3D scanners has evolved and the price of these devices has declined sharply, making them accessible to everyone.

3D scanner technology brings many benefits for the measurement of the human body, including five major aspects: Affordable pricing, contactless solution, user accessibility, data collection, and eco-friendly.

We’ll go through the 5 top reasons why you should use a 3D scanner to measure the human body and stop continuing with the traditional method.

Affordable and profitable solution– 3D capture in 30 seconds max, see more patients within one day;
– No more plaster waste, save on materials and get a bigger profit;
– Affordable price, get reliable scanners for as low as $600.
Contactless solution– Keep a safe distance with the patient;
– No manipulation is needed;
– Improve overall customer experience.
Accessibility for the user– Technology accessible to all, you don’t need to be an expert in 3D technology;
– Intuitive and user-friendly user interfaces;
– Extraction and export software for automatic measurements;
– Easily transportable.
Simple and easy data collection and management– Reliability, precision, repeatability, and reproducibility of measurements;
– Virtual data: no deterioration in transport or storage;
– Ability to monitor the evolution of the patient’s condition;
– Perform simulations to ensure proper fit.
Ecological solution– Avoid the use of plaster or other non-recoverable materials;
– Virtually “0” waste;
– No CO2 emission with online file upload.

Hopefully, you now have a better understanding of why you should choose 3D scanning over the traditional method. Now, you might be ready to take it a step further and compare the traditional method vs 3D scanning. Take a look at our eBook outlining the benefits of making the switch.

And don’t forget, we’re also here to help!

Our team is there to help you assess if 3D scanning is the right fit for you. Get in touch with our experts!

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